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Detailed Info about Block 614926 | BitcoinChain.com

Bitcoin block #614926



Height 614926 Main chain
Time 2020-01-28 16:24:33
Transactions in block 3076
Found by AntPool
Difficulty 15,466,098,935,554.65
Bits 387068671
Size 1.32MB
Version 549453824
Nonce 571087111


Block reward 12.5 BTC
Transaction fees 0.21938283 BTC
Total output 9,443.48065989 BTC


Self hash 0000000000000000000f83a7490243701b7d5d287b98e20792d951584347e009
Previous block 0000000000000000000c37955ccb76be56cb221c802ad725cd2a8d8621873ac3
Next block
Merkle root  42f5c1cc9b0efb0f77438a49101286f0231adf8bfe52377f491ddc34f74597eb

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